The Edmonton Real Estate Update You Need To Know
Edmonton is active
The average house price in Edmonton between July 13th and August 10th is$370,211, houses have been staying on the market for a median of about 46 days according to Zolo. This is very much a buyers market if you are looking to purchase the time is now. There is a wide variety of homes on the market, the selection is great at the moment. The chances of you finding the right home for the right price is higher then it’s been for a long time. Look around Edmonton today and you’ll observe the fact that it is a very active city, there are high-rises under construction downtown and new homes being built in the suburbs. Many families are on their way to be part of the amazing lifestyle this city is able to provide.
Dennis Faulkner says that he believes one of the greatest advantages that is so often overlooked pertaining to Edmonton is the economic and political stability that Alberta is able to provide. Alberta is an extremely attractive place to live specifically for this reason. This makes living, working and investing here seem more stable.
In summary, there are many things that make Stewart Greens a prime location to buy a home right now. Prices are currently at a low while the city is expanding. There is a lot of activity happening as far as growth and expansion go in the city. The political and economic structure is very stable. Every once in a while an opportunity like this will arise under the radar. Those that stumble across it have the opportunity to secure a great deal for themselves. Please visit our sales center to learn more, we would love to help you find a home for your family. We have something for everyone here ar Stewart Greens.